Schematic input does not validate against the Schema: {"name":"testng7"} on Angular 7

This error is possible of avoiding naming standards

Project name can not have underscore '_'. It can have dashes '-', small and capital letters and digits.

Valid Project Names

myProject //camel casing style or JavaScript style

MyProject //normal style

MyProject1 //letters and numbers mixed style

My-Project1 //letters, numbers and dash mixed style

Invalid Project Names

MyProject-1 //dash can not be between letter and digit

My_Project //underscore is restricted

I added this flag to make it work --client-project

ng add @nguniversal/express-engine --client-project=launcher

First, to upgrade, I did this:

npm i -g @angular/cli
npm i @angular/cli

to install globally and locally. Running an npm audit fix revealed there is a problem with a missing package.json in the npm logs - missing from my root directory! So I created one with the following command in my home directory:

npm init --yes

for a default one. Now issuing an ng new projName works.