Scala: InputStream to Array[Byte]

How about:

Stream.continually( != -1).map(_.toByte).toArray

Update: Use LazyList instead of Stream (since 2.13.x deprecated)

LazyList.continually( != -1).map(_.toByte).toArray

Just removed bottleneck in our server code by replacing

Stream.continually( != -1).map(_.toByte).toArray


Or in pure Scala:

def bytes(in: InputStream, initSize: Int = 8192): Array[Byte] = {
  var buf = new Array[Byte](initSize)
  val step = initSize
  var pos, n = 0
  while ({
    if (pos + step > buf.length) buf = util.Arrays.copyOf(buf, buf.length << 1)
    n =, pos, step)
    n != -1
  }) pos += n
  if (pos != buf.length) buf = util.Arrays.copyOf(buf, pos)

Do not forget to close an opened input stream in any case:

val in = request.getInputStream
try bytes(in) finally in.close()

In a similar vein to Eastsun's answer... I started this as a comment, but it ended up getting just a bit to long!

I'd caution against using Stream, if holding a reference to the head element then streams can easily consume a lot of memory.

Given that you're only going to read in the file once, then Iterator is a much better choice:

def inputStreamToByteArray(is: InputStream): Array[Byte] =
  Iterator continually takeWhile (-1 !=) map (_.toByte) toArray