Save input data to localStorage on button click

The localStorage object has a setItem method which is used to store an item. It takes 2 arguments:

  1. A key by which you can refer to the item
  2. A value

    var input = document.getElementById("saveServer");
    localStorage.setItem("server", input.val());

The above code first gets a reference to the input element, and then stores an item ("server") in local storage with the value of the value of that input element.

You can retrieve the value by calling getItem:

var storedValue = localStorage.getItem("server");

This worked for me. For setting I placed .value behind the var and called the var in the setItem:

var input = document.getElementById('saveServer').value;
localStorage.setItem('server', input);

For getting the text back:

document.getElementById('saveServer').value = localStorage.getItem('server');