Save Could not be completed. ECLIPSE ERROR

Remove all character/word in your class that are in language except English like japaneze or chaineaze etc.


just copy your class from Eclipse and paste it to your System at any Location (C/desktop) and open it with your Editor (Notepad/Wordpad) and Edit it and save it and again copy it to your Eclipse> your project> your package


This might also happen when you try to do copy paste of code from other places such as PDF. The reason for this is because the eclipse doesn't all the time understand the characters that are from a PDF file.

The answer for this is to rewrite the code, or maybe copy pasting this through notepad (I personally never tried to copy through notepad)

I received a similar message when trying to edit a file in Eclipse. When I saved as UTF-8 I lost some of the characters in my document. I was able to get around this by:

  1. Opening the file
  2. Go to Edit > Set encoding...
  3. Select Other
  4. Select ISO-8859-1