Salesforce Apex Trigger "isAPI" Context Variable

There is currently no standard way to tell within the trigger what actually caused an update or insert to happen (API, standard page layout, VF page & controller, some other Apex code, etc.). Here's a full list of Trigger Context Variables.

To achieve this, I would suggest creating a custom checkbox field on the object, something like IsAPI__c (with a default value of false). Then all you would need to do is pass in true for that field with any API call, and then check the field in your trigger for each record in the batch (just make sure you remember to reset it to false when you're done so subsequent calls from the UI aren't treated as API calls).

trigger Update_Last_Modified_By_API on My_Object__c (before update) {
    for ( My_Object__c o : Trigger.New ) {
        if ( o.IsAPI__c ) {
            o.Last_Modified_By_API__c =;
        o.IsAPI__c = false;