Safe way to pass password for >1 programs in bash

Pass the password on a separate file descriptor from the input (twice, once for encryption and once for decryption). Do not export PASS to the environment.

read -sp 'Enter password. ' PASS
printf '%s\n' "$PASS" |
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -kfile /dev/stdin -in file.old |
sed ... | {
  printf '%s\n' "$PASS" |
  openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -kfile /dev/stdin -in /dev/fd/3 -out file;
} 3<&0

If your system doesn't have /dev/fd, you can use the -pass argument to tell openssl to read the passphrase from an open file descriptor.

printf '%s\n' "$PASS" | {
  printf '%s\n' "$PASS" |
  openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pass fd:0 -in file.old |
  tr a-z A-Z | tee /dev/tty | {
  openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -pass fd:3 -out file; }
} 3<&0

Using Bash it can be done without using printf '%s\n' "$PASS" by associating a so-called here string with file descriptors using the Bash builtin exec command.

For more information see: Shell script password security of command-line parameters.


# sample code to edit password-protected file with openssl
# user should have to enter password only once
# password should not become visible using the ps command

echo hello > tmp.file

#env -i bash --norc   # clean up environment
set +o history
unset PASS || exit 1

read -sp 'Enter password. ' PASS; echo

# encrypt file and protect it by given password
exec 3<<<"$PASS"
openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -pass fd:3  -in tmp.file -out file

cp file{,.old}

# decode | edit | encode
exec 3<<<"$PASS" 4<<<"$PASS"
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pass fd:3 -in file.old | 
   sed 's/l/L/g' | 
   openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -pass fd:4 -out file

exec 3<<<"$PASS"
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pass fd:3 -in file

rm -P tmp.file file.old
unset PASS
