Safari Web Inspector - Long string values truncated

Right click on the string and select "Log value". This will print the full string to the console.

I was also having the same issue in safari, my array size was upto 2lakh and safari was only showing first 99 indexes. But my target was first 512 indexes so I used console.log(JSON.stringify(myArray.slice(0, 512)));

I had the same problem with Safari 13.0.2 where the log messages were cut short. But it only cuts messages if the message is not the first argument of the log function:

console.log('first log string', 'second log string')

The first argument will not (never?) be shortened. The second however will be truncated to about a 100 characters.

So if you have access to the code which does the logging, put everything inside the first argument and you should see the whole messages.

console.log('first log string' + 'second log string')