Safari anchors on links not working

The problem was I had a redirect header in the page I was linking to.

Opera, IE, Chrome, Firefox will carry over the anchor to the new page. However safari loses the anchor on the redirect.

If you are having trouble with safari anchors disable any redirects.

For me, I simply had to change 


I just ran into the same issue and found your post while searching - obviously you've fixed this since it was back in 2010 and but figured I would post what I found in case someone else finds this. :)

I'm using htaccess to redirect my url from mydomaincom/index.php to mydomaincom/ and found that my nav didn't work in Safari since my href addresses where index.php#value and Safari v5 wouldn't carry over the anchor links.

Rather than turn off my redirect I just changed the urls to point to mydomaincom/#value. Not only did this work great for all browsers but it also made my page quicker (not yet sure how but will search this now :))



