RxJS dependency issue with Scheduler.async

yes, this is correct, because:

import { Scheduler } from 'rxjs/Scheduler';

this mean, you imported this class: https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs/blob/5.4.0/src/Scheduler.ts#L8-L63


import { async } from 'rxjs/scheduler/async';

is https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs/blob/5.4.0/src/scheduler/async.ts#L47

So you can see, Scheduler does not have async property, I guess you wanna convert this thing Rx.Scheduler.async source code here, you could try this solution:

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/observeOn';

import { async } from 'rxjs/scheduler/async';

var observable = Observable.create(function (observer) {

I think this deserves a little deeper explanation.

If you write just:

import { Scheduler } from 'rxjs/Scheduler';

you're importing just the Scheduler class that you probably never want to use by itself. It's useful to import this only for proper type checking so you can have for example:

import { Scheduler } from 'rxjs/Scheduler';

class MyClass {
    sched: Scheduler;

But importing only async you're importing an already existing instance of an AsyncScheduler class. This is serves as a singleton pattern because there's usually no need to have multiple AsyncScheduler instances.

import { async } from 'rxjs/scheduler/async';

Now you can for example check what is the current time for this particular Scheduler:


In fact importing from rxjs/scheduler/async is the same as using Scheduler imported from just rxjs which is in fact Rx.ts:

import { Scheduler } from 'rxjs';



You can see there are more different Schedulers already prepared: https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs/blob/master/src/Rx.ts#L193-L198

What's confusing here is what is the difference between using async from 'rxjs/scheduler/async' and Scheduler.async from 'rxjs'. The async from Rx.ts just imports the same 'rxjs/scheduler/async' but since you're importing rxjs you're also including all the dependencies defined in Rx.ts. This means you're importing all the operators which is a lot of files that you probably don't need.

That's why it's better to import it only from 'rxjs/scheduler/async' and not 'rxjs':

import { async } from 'rxjs/scheduler/async'

I know that this is tagged for typescript, angular and rxjs5, but if you landed here and are confused as to why the other answers aren't working for you, I think the location of the schedulers moved again in v6. I have a webpack development environment and I had to get the schedulers off of the bare rxjs module. You can see all of the schedulers if you inspect the module that gets imported:

import * as rxjs from "rxjs";
console.log(Object.keys(rxjs).filter(k => k.includes("Scheduler")));

Will print:


So if you want async Scheduler you can do:

import {asyncScheduler} from "rxjs";