Running Spring Batch jobs from the command line

If the first argument to the CommandLineJobRunner is your @Configuration FQCN instead of a resource path, the ClassPathXmlApplicationContext constructor that's called from the CommandLineJobRunner's start() method will break.

int start(String jobPath, String jobIdentifier, String[] parameters, Set<String> opts) {

    ConfigurableApplicationContext context = null;

    try {
        context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(jobPath);

If you've already written a class with a main(), that replaces the CLJR, you shouldn't be passing CLJR as the class name in the command line. Pass that instead.

If you are already using SpringApplication from Spring Boot, why not finish the job and use @EnableAutoConfiguration as well, and also the Maven plugin (see for example this guide)? That way you will get something working pretty quickly and you can always add your own features later.