Running Jupyter via command line on Windows

Please try either of these commands first;

$ py -m notebook
$ python -m notebook

for jupyterlab users

py -m jupyterlab


$ python -m pip install jupyter --user
$ jupyter notebook

If this does not work.

pip does not add jupyter directly to path for local.

The output from

$ which python

After some digging I found a executable for jupyter in the folder:


Difference between local and roaming folder

So if you want to be able to execute a program via command line, you need to add it into the %PATH variable. Here is a powershell script to do it. BE SURE TO ADD THE ";" before adding the new path.

$ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python35\Scripts", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)


if you are using python3, switch out python with python3 but I encourage you to use pyenv instead :)

I had the same problem, but

py -m notebook

worked for me.

If you are absolutely sure that your Python library path is in your system variables (and you can find that path when you pip install Jupyter, you just have to read a bit) and you still experience "command not found or recognized" errors in Windows, you can try:

python -m notebook

For my Windows at least (Windows 10 Pro), having the python -m is the only way I can run my Python packages from command line without running into some sort of error

Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using ' "


Errno 'THIS_PROGRAM' not found