Run series of commands in different tabs in conemu

Run this from your batch file (one-line command)

start "Three tabs" "C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu.exe" /cmdlist ^> cmd /k color 4C -cur_console:d:x:\mercurial\blah\blah ^|^|^| cmd /k color 5D -cur_console:d:x:\mercurial\blah\blah\solr ^|^|^| cmd /k color 2A -cur_console:d:x:\mercurial\blah\blah\rep

This starts new ConEmu window with three tabs, first tab will be active. start "Three tabs" ... is just an example usage of start command.

To do this from a batch file, try the /cmd switch. See the conemu cmdline reference for more info.


"C:\Program Files\Far Manager\ConEmu64.exe" /single /cmd "cmd /k cd c:\symbols" 

To do this from the New Console Dialog see below: New Console Dialog

To launch a new tab from an existing conemu tab, see the -new_console switch.