Run a script in the same directory as the current script

$0 is considered unsafe and fragile by many devs. I have found another solution, it is safe for a chain of bash scripts and source.

If needs to execute (located in the same folder) using a child bash process:

__dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
bash ${__dir}/

If needs to execute (located in the same folder) using the same bash process:

__dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source ${__dir}/

Is there a standard way to reliably call from within And will work in any Bash-supported operating system?

In most cases, when is in the same directory as, you can use in command:

. ${0%/*}/

$0 stores the name of your process (in most cases it's the full path to your script).
${parameter%word} removes suffix pattern word from variable $parameter (in the command above it removes file name /* from the full path stored in variable $0).

If for some reasons (described in other answers) you don't want to use $0, you can use $BASH_SOURCE instead:

. ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/

And if you want, you can use source instead of .:

source ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/

As for me, it's the easiest way to achieve your goal.

Since $0 holds the full path of the script that is running, you can use dirname against it to get the path of the script:


script_full_path=$(dirname "$0")

echo "script_name: $script_name"
echo "full path: $script_full_path"

so if you for example store it in /tmp/ then you will see an output like:

$ /tmp/
script_name: /tmp/
full path: /tmp


  1. Knowing the current working directory is useless to me, because I don't know how the user is executing the first script (could be with /usr/bin/, with ./, or it could be with ../Downloads/repo/scr/

Using dirname "$0" will allow you to keep track of the original path.

  1. The script will be changing to a different directory before calling

Again, since you have the path in $0 you can cd back to it.