Rounding a list of floats into integers in Python

If you would set the number of significant digits you could do

new_list = list(map(lambda x: round(x,precision),old_list))

Furthermore, if you had a list of list you could do

new_list = [list(map(lambda x: round(x,precision),old_l)) for old_l in old_list]

Simply use round function for all list members with list comprehension :

myList = [round(x) for x in myList]

myList # [25, 193, 282, 88, 80, 450, 306, 282, 88, 676, 986, 306, 282]

If you want round with certain presicion n use round(x,n):

You could use the built-in function round() with a list comprehension:

newlist = [round(x) for x in list]

You could also use the built-in function map():

newlist = list(map(round, list))

I wouldn't recommend list as a name, though, because you are shadowing the built-in type.