Rotating phone restarts video on android

Adding the configChanges attribute to your manifest means that you will handle config changes yourself. Override the onConfigurationChanged() method in your activity:

int lastOrientation = 0;

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {

    // Checks if orientation changed
    if (lastOrientation != newConfig.orientation) {
        lastOrientation = newConfig.orientation;
        // redraw your controls here

Consider remembering video file position in Activity lifecycle events. When Activity is created you could obtain video position and play it from the moment it was restarted.

In your Activity class:

protected void onCreate(Bundle bundle){
   int mPos=bundle.getInt("pos"); // get position, also check if value exists, refer to documentation for more info

protected void onSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState){
    outState.putInt("pos", myVideoView.getCurrentPosition()); // save it here



to your Activity in AndroidManifest.xml.

  • solved my issue won't download progressive video again..

If your target API level 13 or higher, you must include the screenSize value in addition to the orientation value as described here. So your tag may look like
