Rotating a NxN matrix in Java

check this solution to do it in place.

public void rotateMatrix(Pixel[][] matrix) {

    for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length / 2; i++) {

        for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length - 1 - 2 * i; j++) {
            Pixel tmp = matrix[j + i][matrix.length - 1 - i];
            matrix[j + i][matrix.length - 1 - i] = matrix[i][j + i];
            matrix[i][j + i] = matrix[matrix.length - 1 - j - i][i];
            matrix[matrix.length - 1 - j - i][i] = matrix[matrix.length - 1 - i][matrix.length - 1 - j - i];
            matrix[matrix.length - 1 - i][matrix.length - 1 - j - i] = tmp;

I'm writing this answer because even after reading the answer posted by Jason above (it's nice and did resolve a couple of questions I had) it still wasn't clear to me what role is variable "offset" playing in this logic, so spending a couple of hours to understand this I thought to share it with everyone.

There are many variables used here and it's important to understand the significance of each one.

If you look at the variable 'first', it's useless, it's essentially the 'layer' itself, 'first' isn't modified at all in the whole logic. So I have removed 'first' variable (and it works, read ahead).

To understand how each of these values change in every iteration of the inner for loop I have printed the values of these variables. Take a look at the output and understand which values change when we move from one corner to another in the inner for loop, which values stay constant while traversing a single layer and which values change only when we change the layer.

One iteration of inner loop moves one single block. Number of iterations needed to move a single layer will change as we go inwards. The variable 'last' does that job for us, it restricts the inner loop (restricts the inner layer & stops us from going beyond the shell, building upon the nomenclature Jason used)

Time to study the output.

I have used 6x6 matrix.


 315 301 755 542 955 33
 943 613 233 880 945 280
 908 609 504 61 849 551
 933 251 706 707 913 917
 479 785 634 97 851 745
 472 348 104 645 17 273

--------------Starting an iteration of OUTER FOR LOOP------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------
layer =0
last =5
i =0
buffer = 315
offset = i-layer = 0
Current Status: 

 472 301 755 542 955 315
 943 613 233 880 945 280
 908 609 504 61 849 551
 933 251 706 707 913 917
 479 785 634 97 851 745
 273 348 104 645 17 33
--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------
layer =0
last =5
i =1
buffer = 301
offset = i-layer = 1
Current Status: 

 472 479 755 542 955 315
 943 613 233 880 945 301
 908 609 504 61 849 551
 933 251 706 707 913 917
 17 785 634 97 851 745
 273 348 104 645 280 33
--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------
layer =0
last =5
i =2
buffer = 755
offset = i-layer = 2
Current Status: 

 472 479 933 542 955 315
 943 613 233 880 945 301
 908 609 504 61 849 755
 645 251 706 707 913 917
 17 785 634 97 851 745
 273 348 104 551 280 33
--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------
layer =0
last =5
i =3
buffer = 542
offset = i-layer = 3
Current Status: 

 472 479 933 908 955 315
 943 613 233 880 945 301
 104 609 504 61 849 755
 645 251 706 707 913 542
 17 785 634 97 851 745
 273 348 917 551 280 33
--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------
layer =0
last =5
i =4
buffer = 955
offset = i-layer = 4
Current Status: 

 472 479 933 908 943 315
 348 613 233 880 945 301
 104 609 504 61 849 755
 645 251 706 707 913 542
 17 785 634 97 851 955
 273 745 917 551 280 33
--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------
--------------Finished an iteration of OUTER FOR LOOP------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of OUTER FOR LOOP------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------
layer =1
last =4
i =1
buffer = 613
offset = i-layer = 0
Current Status: 

 472 479 933 908 943 315
 348 785 233 880 613 301
 104 609 504 61 849 755
 645 251 706 707 913 542
 17 851 634 97 945 955
 273 745 917 551 280 33
--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------
layer =1
last =4
i =2
buffer = 233
offset = i-layer = 1
Current Status: 

 472 479 933 908 943 315
 348 785 251 880 613 301
 104 609 504 61 233 755
 645 97 706 707 913 542
 17 851 634 849 945 955
 273 745 917 551 280 33
--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------
layer =1
last =4
i =3
buffer = 880
offset = i-layer = 2
Current Status: 

 472 479 933 908 943 315
 348 785 251 609 613 301
 104 634 504 61 233 755
 645 97 706 707 880 542
 17 851 913 849 945 955
 273 745 917 551 280 33
--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------
--------------Finished an iteration of OUTER FOR LOOP------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of OUTER FOR LOOP------------------

--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------
layer =2
last =3
i =2
buffer = 504
offset = i-layer = 0
Current Status: 

 472 479 933 908 943 315
 348 785 251 609 613 301
 104 634 706 504 233 755
 645 97 707 61 880 542
 17 851 913 849 945 955
 273 745 917 551 280 33
--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------
--------------Finished an iteration of OUTER FOR LOOP------------------

 472 479 933 908 943 315
 348 785 251 609 613 301
 104 634 706 504 233 755
 645 97 707 61 880 542
 17 851 913 849 945 955
 273 745 917 551 280 33

Sorry but there is no way other than to ponder upon how the values of layer, i and offset change to understand what the heck is happening here.

Finally the code

Here is the code where I removed unnecessary first and added all the print statements, in case if anyone wants to play more. This code also has random matrix initialization and printing:

package com.crackingthecodinginterview.assignments.chap1;

public class Problem6RotateMatrix90 {

    public static void main(String args[]){
        int[][] matrix = new int[6][6];
        System.out.println("Input: ");

    public static void rotate(int[][] matrix, int n) {
        for (int layer = 0; layer < n / 2; ++layer) {
            System.out.println("\n--------------Starting an iteration of OUTER FOR LOOP------------------");

            int last = n - 1 - layer;
            for(int i = layer; i < last; ++i) {
                int offset = i - layer;
                int buffer = matrix[layer][i]; // save top
                System.out.println("\n--------------Starting an iteration of inner for loop------------------");
                System.out.println("layer ="+layer);

                System.out.println("last ="+last);
                System.out.println("i ="+i);

                System.out.println("buffer = "+buffer);
                System.out.println("offset = i-layer = "+ offset);

                // left -> top
                matrix[layer][i] = matrix[last-offset][layer];          

                // bottom -> left
                matrix[last-offset][layer] = matrix[last][last - offset]; 

                // right -> bottom
                matrix[last][last - offset] = matrix[i][last]; 

                // top -> right
                matrix[i][last] = buffer; // right <- saved top

                System.out.println("Current Status: ");
                System.out.println("--------------Finished an iteration of inner for loop------------------");
            System.out.println("--------------Finished an iteration of OUTER FOR LOOP------------------");


    public static void printMatrix(int[][] matrix,int n){
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
                System.out.print(" "+matrix[i][j]);

    public static void initializeMatrix(int[][] matrix,int n){
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
                matrix[i][j]=(int) (Math.random() * 1000);



Consider a sample matrix could look like this:


For the purposes of my explanation, ABCD is considered as row 0, EFGH is row 1, and so on. The first pixel of row 0 is A.

Also, when I talk about the outer shell, I am referring to:

E  H
I  L

First let's look at the code that moves the values.

    int top = matrix[first][i]; // save top

The first line caches the value in the top position. This refers to the position on the top row of the matrix identified by [first][i]. Eg: saving the A.

    // left -> top
    matrix[first][i] = matrix[last-offset][first];          

The next part moves the value from the left position into the top position. Eg: taking the M and putting it where the A is.

    // bottom -> left
    matrix[last-offset][first] = matrix[last][last - offset]; 

The next part moves the value from the bottom position into the left position. Eg: taking the P and putting it where the M is.

    // right -> bottom
    matrix[last][last - offset] = matrix[i][last]; 

The next part moves the value from the right position into the bottom position. Eg: taking the D and putting it where the P is.

    // top -> right
    matrix[i][last] = top; // right <- saved top

The last part moves the value from the cache (what was the top position) into the right position. Eg: putting the A from the first step where the D is.

Next the loops.

The outer loop runs from row 0 to half the total number of rows. This is because when you rotate row 0, it also rotates the last row and when you rotate row 1, it also rotates the second-to-last row, and so on.

The inner loop runs from the first pixel position (or column) in the row to the last. Keep in mind that for row 0, this is from pixel 0 to the last pixel, but for row 1, this is from pixel 1 to the second-to-last pixel, since the first and last pixels are rotated as part of row 0.

So the first iteration of the outer loop makes the outer shell rotate. In other words:




See how the outer shell has rotated clockwise, but the inner core has not moved.

Then the second iteration of the outer loop causes the second row to rotate (excluding the first and last pixels) and we end up with: