Rich Text box scroll to the bottom when new data is written to it

The RichTextBox will stay scrolled to the end if it has focus and you use AppendText to add the information. If you set HideSelection to False it will keep its selection when it loses focus and stay auto scrolled.

I designed a Log Viewer GUI that used the method below. It used up to a full core keeping up. Getting rid of this code and setting HideSelection to False got the CPU usage down to 1-2%

//Don't use this!

Yes, you can use the ScrollToCaret() method:

// bind this method to its TextChanged event handler:
// richTextBox.TextChanged += richTextBox_TextChanged;
private void richTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
   // set the current caret position to the end
   richTextBox.SelectionStart = richTextBox.Text.Length;
   // scroll it automatically