Reynolds number and inertial force

Inertial force, as the name implies is the force due to the momentum of the fluid. This is usually expressed in the momentum equation by the term $(\rho v)v$. So, the denser a fluid is, and the higher its velocity, the more momentum (inertia) it has. As in classical mechanics, a force that can counteract or counterbalance this inertial force is the force of friction (shear stress). In the case of fluid flow, this is represented by Newtons law, $\tau_x = \mu \frac{dv}{dy}$. This is only dependent on the viscosity and gradient of velocity. Then, $Re = \frac{\rho v L}{\mu}$, is a measure of which force dominates for a particular flow condition.

The inertial forces are what gives rise to the dynamic pressure. Another way to look at the Reynolds Number is by the ratio of dynamic pressure $\rho u^2$ and shearing stress $μ v/ L$ and can be expressed as $$Re =\frac{\rho u^2} {μ v/ L} = \frac{ u L} {\nu} $$

At very high Reynolds numbers, the motion of the fluid causes eddies to form and give rise to the phenomena of turbulence.

Newton’s second law can be written as

$$m a = f_1 + f_2 + \cdots + f_n$$

The term $m a$ having dimensions of force and being proportional to the mass of the body, which is a measure of its inertia, is often named inertia force. So, according to the previous equation, the inertia force is just the resultant force acting on the body under analysis. In Fluid Mechanics it is advantageous to use mass per unit volume of the body (fluid in this case), that is its density, so that Newton’s law (or rather, the Navier-Stokes equation) is written with the terms having dimensions of force per unit volume of fluid.

When fluids flow, different types of forces act on the fluid. These are represented in the previous equation by $f_1$, $f_2$,$\cdots$ , $f_n$. Suppose viscous forces are represented by $f_2$. Back to the original question, the Reynolds number (Re) associated with the fluid flow would be, in this case, $m a / f_2$. So, in fluid flow, Re is a measure of the ratio between the resultant force (or inertia force) and viscous force acting on the fluid. Notice that the viscous force is part of the inertia force. In other words, Re is the ratio between the resultant force acting on the fluid and one of its components.

Our intuition regarding effects of inertia forces is quite good because in daily life our muscles overcame inertia of static bodies all the time. Inertia of moving bodies are also easily perceptible when our velocity (for instance in a moving car) changes magnitude or direction, that is, when we are accelerated relative to the ground (notice that a is a factor in the inertia force). Effects of viscous forces are much more subtle and require specific experiments.