Reverse order of For Each loop

There are other good answers but here's another alternative method of "stepping backwards" through a Range.

Function to Invert Range into Array

This function returns a "backwards Range Array" that can be used with For..Each:

Function ReverseRange(rg As Range) As Range()
    Dim arr() As Range, r As Long, c As Long, n As Long
    With rg
        ReDim arr(1 To .Cells.Count) 'resize Range Array
        For r = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).Row To .Cells(1, 1).Row Step -1
            For c = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).Column To .Cells(1, 1).Column Step -1
                n = n + 1
                Set arr(n) = .Worksheet.Cells(r, c) 'set cell in Array
            Next c
        Next r
    End With
    ReverseRange = arr  'return Range Array as function result
End Function

Example Usage:

Sub test()
    Dim oCell
    For Each oCell In ReverseRange(ActiveSheet.Range("E5:A1"))

        Debug.Print oCell.Address 'do something here with each cell

    Next oCell
End Sub

It's not possible to loop backwards using the for each loop syntax.

As an alternative you can use a For i = a To 1 Step -1 loop:

Sub reverseForEach()
    Dim i As Long, rng As Range

    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B2")

    For i = rng.Cells.Count To 1 Step -1

        Debug.Print rng.item(i).Address
        ' Or shorthand rng(i) as the Item property 
        ' is the default property for the Range object.
        ' Prints: $B$2, $A$2, $B$1, $A$1

    Next i

End Sub

This works with all collections that have the Item property. For instance Worksheets, Areas or Shapes.

Note: The order of the loop when using on the Range object is from right to left, then up.

For built in collections (eg a Range) the short answer is: you can't. For user defined collections the answer linked by @VBlades might be useful, although the cost might outweigh the benifit.

One work around is to seperate the identification of items to be removed from the actual removal. Eg, for a range, build up a new range variable using Union, then process that variable, eg delete all the rows in one go. For the Range example, you can also take advantage of the Variant Array method to further speed things up.

Whether or not any of this is useful will depend on your actual use case.



