Apple - Reveal in Finder from the Terminal

How do I reveal a file that I have the path for in the Terminal in Finder? I don't think that open will work for this.

From man open:

-R  Reveals the file(s) in the Finder instead of opening them.

So, open -R /path/to/a/file.ext will reveal your file in the Finder...

Specifically I want to be able to fzf for a file and then pop it in Finder.

In its most basic usage the following will reveal in Finder the file selected from the execution of "$(fzf)":

open -R "$(fzf)"

The following fzf key bindings will map ctrl-r to reveal the file in the Finder and ctrl-space to a QuickLook of the file:

fzf --bind 'ctrl-r:execute(open -R {}),ctrl-space:execute-silent(qlmanage -p {})'