Returning a recursive function with a promise

I would make the getContacts function return a promise that resolves to a list of all contacts. Within that function you can chain the individual promises that load a page of your data:

function getContacts(key){
    const url = ''

    let contacts = []; // this array will contain all contacts

    const getContactsPage = offset => axios.get(
        url + '?hapikey=' + key + '&vidOffset=' + offset
    ).then(response => {
        // add the contacts of this response to the array
        contacts = contacts.concat(;
        if (['has-more']) {
            return getContactsPage(['vid-offset']);
        } else {
            // this was the last page, return the collected contacts
            return contacts;

    // start by loading the first page
    return getContactsPage(0);

Now you can use the function like this:

getContacts(myKey).then(contacts => {
    // do something with the contacts...

Here is the result I came up with.

function getContacts(vid,key){
    var contacts = []
    return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){

        //need this extra fn due to recursion
        function toCall(vid){

                .then(response =>{
                contacts = contacts.concat(
                if (['has-more']){


