Return all the indexes of a particular substring

I am always inclined to reach into the bag of regex tricks with problems like this one. I wouldn't say it is proper, but it's a hell of a lot less code. :)

val r = "\\Qname\\E".r
val ex = "name:Yo,name:Jim,name:name,name:bozo"

val is = r.findAllMatchIn(ex).map(_.start).toList

The quotes \\Q and \\E aren't necessary for this case, but if the string you're looking for has any special characters, then it will be.

A small code to get all the indexes
call the below method as getAllIndexes(source, target)

def getAllIndexes(source: String, target: String, index: Int = 0): List[Int] = {
        val targetIndex = source.indexOf(target, index)
        if(targetIndex != -1)
          List(targetIndex) ++ getAllIndexes(source, target, targetIndex+1)