Retrieving a nested object inside a JSON string using rapidjson

If element is an object you can just access subproperties with []:

for (SizeType i = 0; i < layers.Size(); i++){   
  cout << layers[i]["name"].GetString() << endl;

You need to iterate through object's members manually, as GetString() only works on string members, while document["a"] is an Object. You need to iterate through that object's members using MemberIterator variable. I had no practice in C* for more than 15 years, so I can only give a general idea of how it should work:

for (MemberIterator m = document["a"].MemberBegin(); m != document["a"].MemberEnd(); ++m) {
    std::cout << << " " << (m.IsNumber()?m.GetNumber():m.GetString()) << endl;

Also, you might want to look at Accept() method, it seems to return a JSON string of an object you give it.