Retrieve company name with ticker symbol input, yahoo or google API

You need to first find a website / API which allows you to lookup stock symbols and provide information. Then you can query that API for information.

I came up with a quick and dirty solution here:

import requests

def get_symbol(symbol):
    symbol_list = requests.get("{}".format(symbol)).json()

    for x in symbol_list:
        if x['symbol'] == symbol:
            return x['company']

company = get_symbol("MSFT")


This website only provides company name. I didn't put any error checks. And you need the requests module for it to work. Please install it using pip install requests.

Update: Here's the code sample using Yahoo! Finance API:

import requests

def get_symbol(symbol):
    url = "{}&region=1&lang=en".format(symbol)

    result = requests.get(url).json()

    for x in result['ResultSet']['Result']:
        if x['symbol'] == symbol:
            return x['name']

company = get_symbol("MSFT")


import yfinance as yf

msft = yf.Ticker("MSFT")

company_name =['longName']

#Output = 'Microsoft Corporation'

So this way you would be able to get the full names of companies from stock symbols

Using fuzzy match to get company symbol from company name or vice versa

from fuzzywuzzy import process
import requests

def getCompany(text):
    r = requests.get('')
    stockList = r.json()
    return process.extractOne(text, stockList)[0]
