Restoring ANY database to Azure MI fails

Just got feedback from Microsoft, this is a known issue which is currently being fixed.

As per their recommendation creating the backups with the option CHECKSUM leads to restorable backups.

BACKUP DATABASE [DBNAME] TO URL = N'https://<storage_account><backup_container>/on_prem_db_full.bak'

When using a managed service, I expect that getting past errors like these ones is outside of your control:

Windows Fabric partition 'c26ec868-5d64-4773-b627-dc346663bd2b' (partition ID 'D0C328AD-F880-49BE-9E9F-149444D63C2C') encountered error 'CHANGE_ROLE_FAILED' and is reporting 'transient' failure to Windows Fabric. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered.. If this condition persists contact the system administrator.

Error: 41621 Severity: 16 State: 1.
Fabric replica publisher encountered an error (SQL Error Code: 41615 State: 3) while publishing event 'FABRIC_REPLICA_STATE_CHANGE' to subscriber of type 'SUBSCRIBER_TYPE_FABRIC_DBR' on Fabric partition 'c26ec868-5d64-4773-b627-dc346663bd2b' (partition ID: 'D0C328AD-F880-49BE-9E9F-149444D63C2C'). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists contact the system administrator.

Error: 41629 Severity: 16 State: 0.
Fabric Service 'c26ec868-5d64-4773-b627-dc346663bd2b' encountered a permanent error while performing a Windows Fabric operation on 'c26ec868-5d64-4773-b627-dc346663bd2b' database (ID 5). Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists contact the system administrator.

[FabricDbrSubscriber::RestoreRoutine] Restore FAILED with result: 3 '[FAILED]'

In this case, the "system administrator" you need to contact is Microsoft. I'd recommend that you reach out to them via support channels.

this issue is known to MS team and they are working on this. Use below code that will initiate backup backups with checksum and will be helpful for DMS service where you can not add explicit Checksum keyword for backups.

EXEC sp_configure 'backup checksum default', 1; GO RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE; GO