REST - put IDs in body or not?

There is nothing wrong in having different read/write models: the client can write one resource representation where after the server can return another representation with added/calculated elements in it (or even a completely different representation - there is nothing in any spec against that, the only requirement is that PUT should create or replace the resource).

So I would go for the asymmetric solution in (2) and avoid the "nasty duplication check" on the server side when writing:

PUT /person/UUID {"name": "Jimmy"}

GET /person/UUID returns {"id": <UUID>, "name": "Jimmy"}

If it is a public API you should be conservative when you reply, but accept liberally.

By that I mean, you should support both 1 and 2. I agree that 3 doesn't make sense.

The way to support both 1 and 2 is to get the id from the url if none is supplied in the request body, and if it is in the request body, then validate that it matches the id in the url. If the two do not match, then return a 400 Bad Request response.

When returning a person resource be conservative and always include the id in the json, even though it is optional in the put.

One solution to this issue involves the somewhat confusing concept of "Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State," or "HATEOAS." This means that a REST response contains the available resources or actions to be performed as hyperlinks. Using this method, which was part of the original conception of REST, the unique identifiers/IDs of resources are themselves hyperlinks. So, for example, you could have something like:

GET /person/<UUID> {"person": {"location": "/person/<UUID>", "data": { "name": "Jimmy"}}}

Then, if you want to update that resource, you could do (pseudocode):

updatedPerson = = "Timmy"
PUT(URI: response.resource, data: updatedPerson)

One advantage of this is that the client doesn't have to have any idea about the server's internal representation of User IDs. The IDs could change, and even the URLs themselves could change, as long as the client has a way to discover them. For example, when getting a collection of people, you could return a response like this:

GET /people
{ "people": [

(You could, of course, also return the full person object for each person, depending on the needs of the application).

With this method, you think of your objects more in terms of resources and locations, and less in terms of ID. The internal representation of unique identifier is thus decoupled from your client logic. This was the original impetus behind REST: to create client-server architectures that are more loosely coupled than the RPC systems that existed before, by using the features of HTTP. For more information on HATEOAS, look at the Wikipedia article as well as this short article.

