Resizing symbols in QGIS Print Composer legend?

I can see two workarounds:

  1. You can scale symbols on the layer to be acceptable size in the legend, add it in the print composer, uncheck "Update legend" and then scale the symbols back to previous values
  2. Add a second layer with scaled back symbols and then make the legend on the basis of the second layer while displaying the first one on the map

Just a comment to note that if you are using size of circles to represent something, you can't have a different size on the legend. That would be wrong. Just change the symbols on the map so that it looks right in the legend, or change your legend area.

Looking at your map again, it seems you have used buckets to group things by, but then you have different sized circles too. If you are using proportional circles, then these are not range buckets. You can use a colour to catch a range in a bucket. But proportional circles need to be scaled based on the AREA of the circle you are drawing.

I just wanted to add that when using the atlas function, the workaround simply disabeling the "Auto update"does not work. Even worse: If you select the atlas function and you have "Only show items inside current atlas feature" checked, it will update the legend and thus you will have to start over resizing the symbols. Because of this I highly recommend workaround 2: working with a copy of the layers and using the copy in the legend.