Drupal - Require v8 only contrib module with v9 patch

You've got the right idea but you don't need to fork Drupal's repository. You can set up composer to read Drupal's git repo instead of using packagist for the naughty modules like this:

        "type": "package",
        "package": {
            "name": "drupal_git/cache_control_override",
            "type": "drupal-module",
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "https://git.drupalcode.org/project/cache_control_override.git",
                "reference": "8db91684a427366d8f9c51f60cbac10c2d586d95"

Note the 'reference' is a commit hash, though it looks like you can also use tags.

And then patch as normal using composer:

"drupal_git/cache_control_override": {
    "Drupal 9 Compatibility (3132036)": "https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2020-04-29/Drupal-9-readiness-3132036-2.patch"

(Shamelessly stolen from @acbramley on Drupal Slack because wider dissemination of this knowledge is worthwhile)

For a wider explanation of why Darvanen's answer is necessary, see https://www.computerminds.co.uk/articles/apply-drupal-9-compatibility-patches-composer (disclaimer: I wrote this). But do note that using a different vendor namespace (like drupal_git) shouldn't be necessary if the section is added to your composer.json file's 'repositories' above the one for packages.drupal.org .

Ultimately, composer processes the dependency & compatibility metadata for packages, and so decides to reject the package - before composer gives the cweagans/composer-patches plugin chance to patch it. This method overrides the metadata so the package isn't rejected before patching.

