@RequestBody optional (e.g. required=false)

My main path through the code is with a POST. However, I'd like to also support a basic GET request via a browser

To do this, use the method attribute of the @RequestMapping annotation, e.g.

@RequestMapping(value="/myPath", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String doSomething() {

@RequestMapping(value="/myPath", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String doSomething(@RequestBody payload) {

@RequestBody can apparently now be set as optional as of Spring 3.2M1: https://jira.springsource.org/browse/SPR-9239

However I have tested this in Spring 3.2M2 and its throwing an exception when sending through a null body even after setting required=false, instead of passing through a null. This issue has been confirmed and has been fixed, schedule for 3.2 RC1

Is there a way to make the @RequestBody annotation options (e.g. required=false) like RequestParam supports?

In short, I don't believe so, but you can do it manually from the input stream:

private MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter mappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter;

RestResponse<String> updateViewingCard(@PathVariable(value = "custome") String customer,
        @RequestParam(value = "p1", required = false) String p1,
        @RequestParam(value = "p2", required = false) String p2, 
        // @RequestBody MyPayloadType payload,     Can't make this optional
        HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response)  throws... {

    MyPayloadType payload = null;
    if (0 < request.getContentLength()) {
            payload = this.mappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter.getObjectMapper().readValue(request.getInputStream(),