Replacing NAs in R with nearest value

Here is a very fast one. It uses findInterval to find what two positions should be considered for each NA in your original data:

f1 <- function(dat) {
  N <- length(dat)
  na.pos <- which(
  if (length(na.pos) %in% c(0, N)) {
  } <- which(!
  intervals  <- findInterval(na.pos,,
                             all.inside = TRUE)
  left.pos   <-[pmax(1, intervals)]
  right.pos  <-[pmin(N, intervals+1)]
  left.dist  <- na.pos - left.pos
  right.dist <- right.pos - na.pos

  dat[na.pos] <- ifelse(left.dist <= right.dist,
                        dat[left.pos], dat[right.pos])

And here I test it:

# sample data, suggested by @JeffAllen
dat <- as.integer(runif(50000, min=0, max=10))
dat[dat==0] <- NA

# computation times
system.time(r0 <- f0(dat))    # your function
# user  system elapsed 
# 5.52    0.00    5.52
system.time(r1 <- f1(dat))    # this function
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.01    0.00    0.03
identical(r0, r1)
# [1] TRUE

I like all the rigorous solutions. Though not directly what was asked, I found this post looking for a solution to filling NA values with an interpolation. After reviewing this post I discovered na.fill on a zoo object(vector, factor, or matrix):

z <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,NA,NA,NA,2,3,4,5,6,NA,NA,4,6,7,NA)
z1 <- zoo::na.fill(z, "extend")

Note the smooth transition across the NA values

round(z1, 0)
#>  [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 3 4 5 6 5 5 4 6 7 7

Perhaps this could help

Code below. The initial question was not totally well-defined, I had asked for these clarifications:

  1. Is it guaranteed that at least the first and/or last entries are non-NA? [No]
  2. What to do if all entries in a row are NA? [Leave as-is]
  3. Do you care how ties are split i.e. how to treat the middle NA in 1 3 NA NA NA 5 7? [Don't-care/ left]
  4. Do you have an upper-bound (S) on the longest contiguous span of NAs in a row? (I'm thinking a recursive solution if S is small. Or a dataframe solution with ifelse if S is large and number of rows and cols is large.) [worst-case S could be pathologically large, hence recursion should not be used]

geoffjentry, re your solution your bottlenecks will be the serial calculation of and the serial assignment dat[na.pos] <- dat[[]] For a large gap of length G all we really need to compute is that the first (G/2, round up) items fill-from-left, the rest from right. (I could post an answer using ifelse but it would look similar.) Are your criteria runtime, big-O efficiency, temp memory usage, or code legibility?

Coupla possible tweaks:

  • only need to compute N <- length(dat) once
  • common-case speed enhance: if (length(na.pos) == 0) skip row, since it has no NAs
  • if (length(na.pos) == length(dat)-1) the (rare) case where there is only one non-NA entry hence we fill entire row with it

Outline solution:

Sadly na.locf does not work on an entire dataframe, you must use sapply, row-wise:

na.fill_from_nn <- function(x) { <-
  fillFromLeft <- na.locf(x, na.rm=FALSE) 
  fillFromRight <- na.locf(x, fromLast=TRUE, na.rm=FALSE)

  disagree <- rle(fillFromLeft!=fillFromRight)
  for (loc in (disagree)) { ...  resolve conflicts, row-wise }

sapply(dat, na.fill_from_nn)

Alternatively, since as you say contiguous NAs are rare, do a fast-and-dumb ifelse to fill isolated NAs from left. This will operate data-frame wise => makes the common-case fast. Then handle all the other cases with a row-wise for-loop. (This will affect the tiebreak on middle elements in a long span of NAs, but you say you don't care.)

I can't think of an obvious simple solution, but, having looked at the suggestions (particularly smci's suggestion of using rle) I came up with a complicated function that appears to be more efficient.

This is the code, I'll explain below:

# Your function
your.func = function(dat) {
  na.pos <- which(
  if (length(na.pos) == length(dat)) {
  } <- setdiff(seq_along(dat), na.pos) <- sapply(na.pos, function(x) which.min(abs( - x)))
  dat[na.pos] <- dat[[]]

# My function
my.func = function(dat) {
    if (!any(!nas)) return (dat)
    dat[nas]=ifelse(a>b,dat[ ifelse((x+b)>l,x-a,x+b) ],dat[ifelse((x-a)<1,x+b,x-a)])

# Test
n = 100000
test.vec = 1:n

system.time(t2<-your.func(test.vec)) # 10 times speed improvement on my machine

# Verify

My function relies on rle. I am reading the comments above but it looks to me like rle works just fine for NA. It is easiest to explain with a small example.

If I start with a vector:


I then get the positions of all the NAs:


Then, for every "run" of NAs I create a sequence from 1 to the length of the run:


Then I do it again, but I reverse the sequence:


Now, I can just compare vectors a and b: If a<=b then look back and grab the value at x-a. If a>b then look ahead and grab the value at x+b. The rest is just handling the corner cases when you have all NAs or NA runs at the end or the start of the vector.

There is probably a better, simpler, solution, but I hope this gets you started.



Missing Data
