Replacing matching entries in one column of a file by another column from a different file

No need for awk, assuming the files are sorted, you can use coreutils join:

join -o '2.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5' file1 file2


GCF_000014165.1_ASM1416v1_protein.faa     WP_011558474.1  1155234 1156286 44173
GCF_000014165.1_ASM1416v1_protein.faa     WP_011558475.1  1156298 1156807 12
GCF_000014165.1_ASM1416v1_protein.faa     WP_011558476.1  1156804 1157820 -3
GCF_000015405.1_ASM1540v1_protein.faa     WP_011558474.1  1159543 1160595 42748
GCF_000015405.1_ASM1540v1_protein.faa     WP_011558475.1  1160607 1161116 12
GCF_000015405.1_ASM1540v1_protein.faa     WP_011558476.1  1161113 1162129 -3
GCF_000016005.1_ASM1600v1_protein.faa     WP_011559727.1  2481079 2481633 8
GCF_000016005.1_ASM1600v1_protein.faa     WP_011854835.1  1163068 1164120 42559
GCF_000016005.1_ASM1600v1_protein.faa     WP_011854836.1  1164127 1164636 7

If your files aren't, sorted, you can either sort them first (sort file1 > file1.sorted; sort file2 > file2.sorted) and then use the command above, or, if your shell supports the <() construct (bash does), you can do:

join -o '2.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5' <(sort file1) <(sort file2)

You can do this very easily with awk:

$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2; next}{$1=a[$1]; print}' file2 file1
GCF_000014165.1_ASM1416v1_protein.faa WP_011558474.1 1155234 1156286 44173
GCF_000014165.1_ASM1416v1_protein.faa WP_011558475.1 1156298 1156807 12
GCF_000014165.1_ASM1416v1_protein.faa WP_011558476.1 1156804 1157820 -3
GCF_000015405.1_ASM1540v1_protein.faa WP_011558474.1 1159543 1160595 42748
GCF_000015405.1_ASM1540v1_protein.faa WP_011558475.1 1160607 1161116 12
GCF_000015405.1_ASM1540v1_protein.faa WP_011558476.1 1161113 1162129 -3
GCF_000016005.1_ASM1600v1_protein.faa WP_011559727.1 2481079 2481633 8
GCF_000016005.1_ASM1600v1_protein.faa WP_011854835.1 1163068 1164120 42559
GCF_000016005.1_ASM1600v1_protein.faa WP_011854836.1 1164127 1164636 7

Or, since that looks like a tab-separated file:

$ awk -vOFS="\t" 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2; next}{$1=a[$1]; print}' file2 file1
GCF_000014165.1_ASM1416v1_protein.faa   WP_011558474.1  1155234 1156286 44173
GCF_000014165.1_ASM1416v1_protein.faa   WP_011558475.1  1156298 1156807 12
GCF_000014165.1_ASM1416v1_protein.faa   WP_011558476.1  1156804 1157820 -3
GCF_000015405.1_ASM1540v1_protein.faa   WP_011558474.1  1159543 1160595 42748
GCF_000015405.1_ASM1540v1_protein.faa   WP_011558475.1  1160607 1161116 12
GCF_000015405.1_ASM1540v1_protein.faa   WP_011558476.1  1161113 1162129 -3
GCF_000016005.1_ASM1600v1_protein.faa   WP_011559727.1  2481079 2481633 8
GCF_000016005.1_ASM1600v1_protein.faa   WP_011854835.1  1163068 1164120 42559
GCF_000016005.1_ASM1600v1_protein.faa   WP_011854836.1  1164127 1164636 7

This assumes that every RefSeq (NC_*) id in file1 has a corresponding entry in file2.


  • NR==FNR : NR is the current line number, FNR is the line number of the current file. The two will be identical only while the 1st file (here, file2) is being read.
  • a[$1]=$2; next: if this is the first file (see above), save the 2nd field in an array whose key is the 1st field. Then, move on to the next line. This ensures the next block isn't executed for the 1st file.
  • {$1=a[$1]; print} : now, in the second file, set the 1st field to whatever value was saved in the array a for the 1st field (so, the associated value from file2) and print the resulting line.

