Replacing a character in Django template'&', 'and') You can not invoke method with arguments.You need to write a custom filter.

Official guide is here:

Ok, here is my example, say, in an app named 'questions', I want to write a filter to_and which replaces '&' to 'and' in a string.

In /project_name/questions/templatetags, create a blank, and which goes like:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def to_and(value):
    return value.replace("&","and")

In template , use:

{% load to_and %}

then you can enjoy:

{{ string|to_and }}

Note, the directory name templatetags and file name can not be other names.

More useful:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def replace(value, arg):
    Replacing filter
    Use `{{ "aaa"|replace:"a|b" }}`
    if len(arg.split('|')) != 2:
        return value

    what, to = arg.split('|')
    return value.replace(what, to)

The documentation says thus:

Because Django intentionally limits the amount of logic processing available in the template language, it is not possible to pass arguments to method calls accessed from within templates. Data should be calculated in views, then passed to templates for display.

You will have to edit beforehand.

Edit: looks like Pythoner knows a better way: registering a custom filter. Upvote him ;)