Replace windows with Ubuntu: What should I check in Ubuntu live

Is there a check list that could test in order to minimize the chances of the ubuntu installation going wrong?

Yes, there is.

Well 1st a comment... basically if the live dvd works the installation will tend to work too. Main concern should be your video card and your internet connection. If needed for your system check that wireless works. If your display acts up while installing using it will become problematic and fixing a problem nearly impossible for a new user. If you depend on wireless it will be hard to get something fixed. ALL other issues (if there are any that is) can be solved using a browser and searching for it.

Open up dash and search for "test". If will start the test program:

enter image description here

If has many many tests from suspend, usb, mediacard checks:

enter image description here

BUT this best done after installation; doing this during a live session tends to take long. Very long. If unsure about installation start out with a dual-boot setup so you can always fall back to Windows. The installation tends to go smooth if the ISO was burned correctly (and that is what you tested while booting the livd dvd).

The components that I usually test when considering Ubuntu for a Windows replacement include:

  • Wired and wireless internet connectivity
  • Webcams
  • Special keyboard buttons, such as those found on MS keyboards.
  • Special mouse buttons
  • Printers and scanners
  • Any nonstandard hardware such as SIM card readers, IR receivers and transmitters, or whatever other nonstandard peripherals are attached to the machine.

For special keyboard buttons, it is usually enough to select the proper keyboard from the Keyboard Settings dialogue. As for special mouse buttons, I've never had any luck getting them working! For nonstandard hardware, I usually google for whatever lsusb returns with thekeyword "ubuntu".

You should also check your software and files for Ubuntu compatibility while the LiveCD is running:

  • Can you open all documents on the computer, such as Word, Excel, and Photoshop documents?
  • Do you need and Windows-only software such as Adobe Illustrator?

Note that most Windows-only software will have Linux equivalents that don't have the same workflow as their Windows counterparts, but do have most of the same features.