Replace BGL iterate over vertexes with "pure" C++11 alternative?

A simple wrapper over out_edges should suffice:

#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
#include <type_traits>

template<class T> using Invoke = typename T::type
template<class T> using RemoveRef = Invoke<std::remove_reference<T>>;
template<class G> using OutEdgeIterator = typename boost::graph_traits<G>::out_edge_iterator;

template<class V, class G>
auto out_edges_range(V&& v, G&& g)
  -> boost::iterator_range<OutEdgeIterator<RemoveRef<G>>>
  auto edge_pair = out_edges(std::forward<V>(v), std::forward<G>(g));
  return boost::make_iterator_range(edge_pair.first, edge_pair.second);

Or even simpler, a function that turns a std::pair into a valid range:

template<class It>
boost::iterator_range<It> pair_range(std::pair<It, It> const& p){
  return boost::make_iterator_range(p.first, p.second);

and then

for(auto e : pair_range(out_edges(v, g))){
  // ...

Boost.Graph also provides convenience macros similar to BOOST_FOREACH but designed specifically for Graph iterations.

Iteration over all vertices/edges of a given graph is provided by macros BGL_FORALL_VERTICES/ BGL_FORALL_EDGES and their template counterparts BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T/BGL_FORALL_EDGES_T.

Iteration over in- or out- edges of a given vertex is provided by macros BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES or BGL_FORALL_INEDGES. (Add _T for their template versions). For adjacency vertices use BGL_FORALL_ADJ.


#include <boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp>

typedef ... Graph;
Graph g;
BGL_FORALL_VERTICES(v, g, Graph)  //v is declared here and 
{                                   //is of type Graph::vertex_descriptor
     BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES(v, e, g, Graph)  //e is declared as Graph::edge_descriptor


The macros work both in C++03 and C++11.