Rendering templates within helpers in handlebars

I'd just like to point out that using triple brackets eliminates the need to run any additional methods to convert to HTML. For example, when accessing the template data just use triple curly braces {{{templateData}}}, which allows you to get raw HTML.

From Handlebars doc :

Handlebars will not escape a Handlebars.SafeString. If you write a helper that generates its own HTML, you will usually want to return a new Handlebars.SafeString(result). In such a circumstance, you will want to manually escape parameters.


hbs.registerHelper(name, function (args) {
    args = args || {};
    var template = hbs.compile(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + file, 'utf8'));

    // return new hbs.SafeString(template(args));
    // From @Maroshii 
    // the SafeString method must be accessed through hbs.handlebars 
    // and not directly through hbs

    return new hbs.handlebars.SafeString(template(args));