Renaming Android package name using Android Studio

In Android Studio, you can do this by following these 4 steps:

1) Click on the little gear icon on Project Pane

2) Uncheck the Compact Empty Middle Packages option

3) Now you can rename each package by right-click & then refactor it, remember to select Rename Package on popup rather Rename Directory

4) Update the package in build.gradle

5) And update google-services.json is you are using it (i.e. FireBase).

This modification needs three steps :

  1. Change the package name in the manifest
  2. Refactor the name of your package with right click -> refactor -> rename in the tree view, then Android studio will display a window, select "rename package"
  3. Change manually the application Id in the build.gradle file : android / defaultconfig / application ID Then clean / rebuild the project

click on Settings in the project window uncheck the Compact Empty Middle Packages

It will separate the app package and you can rename it one after another.Also change the App Id inside build.gradle under defaultConfig section

defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""


enter image description here


