Rename files incrementally in a specific directory?

You can use this in terminal to rename files as you wished,

j=1;for i in *.txt; do mv "$i" file"$j".txt; let j=j+1;done

It will do the job.


  • Set a counter j, initially set it to 1
  • Initiate a for loop and use a shell glob *.txt to obtain all txt files.
  • for each file rename it using mv and increase the counter by 1.

You can use the rename command, which is usually included in a default installation:

c=0 rename 's/.*/sprintf("file%05d.txt", ++$ENV{c})/e' *

Use the -n flag if you want to do a test first:

c=0 rename -n 's/.*/sprintf("file%05d.txt", ++$ENV{c})/e' *

The way this works is, for each argument, it executes the perl s/// expression, and performs the rename from the original to the replaced string. In the replacement string I use sprintf to format the name, where I use the environment variable c as the counter from 1.

In most cases you also may need leading "0" for each number, %05d does the trick, where 5 is number of digits.

The following command will also rename files incrementally :

cd (directory containing files )

Then run this script :

for i in *; do
    mv "${i}" file${count}.`echo "${i}" | awk -F. '{print $2}'`
