Removing tail element of priority queue

You could probably use Guava's MinMaxPriorityQueue to do this. It provides peek, poll, and remove methods for both ends of the queue.

Another option is to write a Queue wrapper that enforces bounding, similar to this answer. You'd need to implement offer, add, and addAll to check capacity. Something like:

public class BoundedQueue<E> implements Serializable, Iterable<E>, Collection<E>, Queue<E> {
    private final Queue<E> queue;
    private int capacity;

    public BoundedQueue(Queue<E> queue, int capacity) {
        this.queue = queue;
        this.capacity = capacity;

    public boolean offer(E o) {
        if (queue.size() >= capacity)
            return false;
        return queue.add(o);

    public boolean add(E o) throws IllegalStateException {
        if (queue.size() >= capacity)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Queue full"); // same behavior as java.util.ArrayBlockingQueue
        return queue.add(o);

    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
        boolean changed = false;
        for (E o: c)
            changed |= add(o);
        return changed;

    // All other methods simply delegate to 'queue'

I think, PR's use case is, that he needs the head, but also want to have a small PQ, so the idea is to remove the tail.

As a PQ is realized as a binary tree mapped to an array, the head is always the first element of the backing array (queue[0]), but the tail is not always at the end of the array, you had to search it.

I think a nice way is to subclass PQ and write the following two methods:

    public class MyPriorityQueue<E> extends PriorityQueue<E>
        // constructors

    public E getTail()
        // queue.length can be bigger than this.size() !!
        Object[] queue = this.toArray();
        E tail = (E)queue[0];
        Comparator<? super E> comparator = this.comparator();
        if (comparator !=null)
           for(int i = 1; i < this.size(); i++)
              if (, (E)queue[i]) < 0)
                 tail = (E)queue[i];
           for(int j = 1; j < this.size(); j++)
              if ( ((Comparable)tail).compareTo( ((Comparable)queue[j]) ) < 0 )
                 tail = (E)queue[j];
        return tail;

     public E removeTail()
        E tail = this.getTail();
        return tail;

No easy way. Copy elements from original to new except the last.

PriorityQueue removelast(PriorityQueue pq)

    PriorityQueue pqnew = new PriorityQueue();

    while(pq.size() > 1)

    return pqnew;

called as

pq = removelast(pq);

Use an inverting Comparator and remove from the head. If you need both the head and the tail you are using the wrong data structure.