Removing space in table with itemize environment

Use a dedicated column type for this (originally posted by Donald Arseneau on c.t.t.)

%---- Itemized columns
      \addtolength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 50pt}% for raggedright

    \textbf{SB Solution Component} &  \multicolumn{1}{p{0.6\textwidth}}{\textbf{BB Data Satisfied}} \\
    \textbf{Registration Module}   &  \item Capability List
                                      \item Representation List \\
    \textbf{Sensing Data Module}   &  \item Ready Signal        \\
    \textbf{Contexts Module}       &  \item Control List
                                      \item Contexts            \\

enter image description here

This seems to be related to the way that paragraph boxes work in columns of the tabular environment. I don't understand if it's a bug or a feature; someone with a better understanding of tabular should see it.

For a less hacky solution than @Adam's, I suggest that you use a minipage instead of a p column in tabular. Define:


Then, change your tabular to:


(I don't believe your [htbp] there was necessary.)
