Removing Debian Installation Prompt

Although, via msconfig I couldn't find the "continue with the installation" partition in my disk as a start up thread, nor with disk management, the solution is really simple:

  1. Open command prompt: cmd
  2. Type bcdedit (as Marcos suggested)
  3. You will find the booting partitions (this term doesn't really exist)
  4. Spot the partition that says "Continue with installation" as a description
  5. Copy its {identifier} (yeah, that long number)
  6. Finally, type bcdedit /delete {identifier}, where in the place of identifier you have to put the identifier you selected. (Make sure to keep the identifier between braces {..} ).

This worked for me in Windows 7 so I guess it can do the job in most of the systems.

Looks like Debian puts an entry into the Windows Boot Manager for itself and it's partitions. You will need to edit the Windows Boot Configuration Store to remove the incomplete Debian entry. You should be able to edit the Store via msconfig (GUI) or bcdedit (Command line).