Remove row from table with fadeOut effect

The below code will achieve a shrinking row and then hide it without turning the background white

        $("#row td").animate({'line-height':0},1000).hide(1);

Fiddle example

Animating line height doesnt go all that smoothly with webkit however.

You can also animate the hide() function by setting its parameter to the time taken to hide


That however also suffers from the "white background problem" since it animates the opacity.

Adapting from gives a nice shrinking without white space in at least Chrome and Firefox


$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".btn").click(function () {
            .children('td, th')
            padding: 0
            .wrapInner('<div />')
            .slideUp(function () {

try this:

        $("#row").fadeTo("slow",0.7, function(){

working fiddle here:

you can set opacity in "0.7"

I hope it helps.