Remove odd or even lines from a text file

This might work for you (both GNU and non-GNU sed):

 sed -n 'p;n' file # keep odd
 sed -n 'n;p' file # keep even

-n: suppress printing

p: print current line

n: next line

Using GNU sed:

sed -i '0~2d' filename

to remove the even numbered lines from the file.

For removing odd numbered lines:

sed -i '1~2d' filename

The -i option would cause the changes to be saved to the file in-place.

Quoting from the manual:

     This GNU extension matches every STEPth line starting with line
     FIRST.  In particular, lines will be selected when there exists a
     non-negative N such that the current line-number equals FIRST + (N
     * STEP).  Thus, to select the odd-numbered lines, one would use
     `1~2'; to pick every third line starting with the second, `2~3'
     would be used; to pick every fifth line starting with the tenth,
     use `10~5'; and `50~0' is just an obscure way of saying `50'.


The % is a modulus operator and NR is the current line number, so NR%2==0 is true only for even lines and will invoke the default rule for them ({ print $0 }). Thus to save only the even lines, redirect the output from awk to a new file:

awk 'NR%2==0' infile > outfile


You can accomplish the same thing with sed. devnulls answer shows how to do it with GNU sed. Below are alternatives for versions of sed that do not have the ~ operator:

keep odd lines

sed 'n; d' infile > outfile

keep even lines

sed '1d; n; d' infile > outfile



