Remove duplicated & switched case

Jelly, 8 bytes


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How it works

ṛŒsḟḟȧµ\  Main link. Argument: s (string)

      µ   Convert all links to the left into a chain (unknown arity) and begin a
          new chain.
       \  Do a cumulative reduce by the chain to the left.
          Left argument:   r (previous result or first character)
          Right argument:  c (next character)
ṛ           Set the return value to c.
 Œs         Swap c's case.
    ḟ       Remove c from r (if present).
            This yields an empty string if c and r are identical (repeated letter
            with the same case or non-letter) and r otherwise.
            Note that r will be empty if the previous character has been removed.
   ḟ        Remove the resulting characters (if any) from c with swapped case.
            This yields c with swapped case if the result to the right does not
            contain c; otherwise, it yields the empty string.
     ȧ      Flat logical AND with c.
            Replace swapped case c with c; do not modify an empty string.

Retina, 18 bytes


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This a single (and fairly simple) substitution which matches the relevant pairs and replaces them with only the first character. The pairs are matched by activating case-insensitivity halfway through the pattern:

(.)     # Match a character and capture it into group 1.
(?!\1)  # Use a negative lookahead to ensure that the next character *isn't* the same
        # as the character we just captured. This doesn't advance the position of the
        # regex engine's "cursor".
(?i)    # Now activate case-insensitivity for the remainder of the pattern.
\1      # Match the second character with a backreference to the first. With the i
        # modifier activated, this will match if the two characters only differ
        # by case.

The substitution simply writes back the character we already captured in group 1 anyway.

C#, 87 75 bytes


With the mighty regex from Martin Ender. C# lambda where the input and the output are string.

12 bytes saved by Martin Ender and TùxCräftîñg.

C#, 141 134 bytes

s=>{var r="";for(int i=0,l=s.Length;i<l;i++){var c=s[i];r+=c;if(char.IsLetter(c)&i+1<l&&(c|32)==(s[i+1]|32)&c!=s[i+1])i++;}return r;};

C# lambda where the input and the output are string. The algorithm is naive. This is the one I use as reference.


    var r = "";
    for(int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
        if (char.IsLetter(s[i]) & i+1 < s.Length)
            if (char.ToLower(s[i])==char.ToLower(s[i+1])
              & char.IsLower(s[i])!=char.IsLower(s[i+1]))
                i += 1;
    return r;

7 bytes thanks to Martin Ender!

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