Remove dagger generated classes from Android Studio's global search?

If you are talking about the generated MembersInjector and Factory classes:

you can prevent these from coming up in the Ctr-N or Cmd-O dialog by adding them to the ignored files list in File / Settings / Editor / FileTypes and adding the appropriate wildcards to the Ignore files and folders edittext:

the ignore files and folders dialog in IntelliJ

*; *; will cause most of the generated classes to be ignored:


before applying the settings


after applying the settings

You can even add Dagger*.java to the list if you don't even want to see the generated component (even though this is rather useful for the project).


If you are talking about not having the classes appear in auto-import/auto-complete this is done through Settings / Editor / General / Auto Import:

auto import settings dialog in IntelliJ

David Rawson's answer doesn't help to get rid of not showing _Factory classes when performing Find Usages on the class name. This is what will be shown:

This can be resolved with creating a new scope which will disregard generated files.

Here's the regex for generated files in app module: !file[app]:build/generated//*. But you may as well use "Exclude recursively" button locating the directory you want to get rid of.

Now, change the search scope to newly created:

And this will be the output:

No _Factory classes. You may as well get rid of classes in test packages, thus only classes from production package will be found.