Remove Chocolatey registration without uninstalling application

Example (remove the package myExamplePackage from chocolatey without uninstalling)

choco uninstall myExamplePackage -n --skipautouninstaller

From the chocolatey docs:

NOTE: A package with a failing uninstall can be removed with the -n --skipautouninstaller flags. This will remove the package from chocolatey without attempting to uninstall the program.

You have two options:

  1. You can use pin (see choco pin -h for details) and Chocolatey will not try to upgrade the package: choco pin add -n=packageName. After that command choco upgrade all will skip package with name packageName.

  2. You can remove application from Chocolatey database (you must remove application folder). All applications metadata are stored in folder C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\<package-name>, example: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\adobereader.

    Remove directory carefully, because sometimes applications are installed inside chocolatey applications folder, example: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\javadecompiler-gui\jd-gui-windows-1.4.0

