Remediation for JavaScript Interface Injection Vulnerability

You can resolve this issue in following ways:

  1. If your website supports HTTPS, use "https://" prefix in loadUrl method.
  2. You can set android:usesCleartextTraffic to false in your Manifest or set a Network Security Config that disallows HTTP traffic. It also means that your website should run on HTTPS.

Now, coming to your question about "Remove objects from the JavaScript interface in shouldInterceptRequest via removeJavascriptInterface before untrusted content is loaded by the WebView" : It mean that your app should remove (or disable) JavaScriptInterface whenever there is any non HTTPS URL is loaded within the WebView.

After doing any of these, you need to update APK on Play Console.

Conclusion is that if you want to use JavaScriptInterface, better use HTTPS on your website. If you use HTTP, JavaScriptInterface won't be allowed by Google Play.