Apple - Remapping keyboard shortcuts in Chrome and Firefox

You can achieve this using the keyboard prefs just as you were trying. You simply need to create one more shortcut.

In Chrome you would:

  • Set Command-D to Open Location…
  • Set Command-L to Bookmark This Page…

By setting an explicit shortcut for Bookmark This Page… you get rid of the conflict an ensure there aren't two menu options with the same shortcut.

You can do this from System PreferencesKeyboardShortcuts.

Here are my current settings:

enter image description here

Unfortunately none of the extensions I have work. However, there is a way to do this in the version of OSX I'm using, at least. Go to Settings->Keyboard->Shortcuts, and then from the list on the left select "App Shortcuts". Click "+" to add a new app shortcut and then select Google Chrome from the list of Apps.

Now, you must assign "Bookmark This Page..." to something else first so that you can truly override command+D. I chose to select shift+command+B.

After that click "+" again, and assign "Open Location..." to command+D. Now it should work.

I can't believe how long it took me to find this answer, I guess everyone else uses Alt+L or Firefox. Thanks to Pysis for their answer here.

Edit: This was so frustrating I made an account just to respond to this.