Remap CapsLock(tap) to ESC and CapsLock(hold) to CTRL in OS X Lion

Step by step instructions:

  1. Install both PCKeyboardHack and KeyRemap4MacBook. It will prompt you to reboot after installing the apps.
  2. Disable Caps Lock. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys. Set Caps Lock to "No Action".
  3. In PCKeyboardHack set Cap Lock to Control_L by changing the Caps Lock keycode to 59.
  4. In KeyRemap4MacBook, toggle "Control_L to Control_L (+ when you type Control_L only, send Escape". I searched for "Control_L escape" and it showed up near the top.


On High Sierra, this functionality is built into the new Karabiner Elements.

Follow the install instructions, then:

  1. Open Karabiner-Elements
  2. Click "Complex Modifications"
  3. Click "Add Rule"
  4. Click "Import more rules from the internet"
  5. On the resultant web page, look for "Modifier Keys > Change caps_lock Key" and import the configuration.
  6. Profit!

This worked for me on OSX 10.9:

  1. Set Caps Lock to Control. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys. Set Caps Lock to "^ Control",
  2. Install KeyRemap4MacBook,
  3. In KeyRemap4MacBook, toggle "Control_L to Control_L (+ when you type Control_L only, send Escape".