Reload Ansible's dynamic inventory

With Ansible 2.0+, you can refresh your inventory mid-play by running the task:

- meta: refresh_inventory

I found the meta: refresh_inventory to be insufficient.
I had to add an explicit call to --refresh-cache first.

- name: refresh inventory
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
    - name: Refresh EC2 cache
      command: /etc/ansible/ --refresh-cache
    - name: Refresh in-memory EC2 cache
      meta: refresh_inventory

Ansible currently doesn't support this. If you look at the source code of the ansible or ansible-playbook commands you'll see that the inventory is loaded first and then the inventory object is passed to the ansible command that runs the specified task or playbook. Moving the inventory processing so that it happens within the task/playbook handlers would probably be a pretty major undertaking for a number of reasons.

Your best bet when doing something like this is to simply break your playbook into two and wrap their calls in a shell script that you only have to invoke once.