Regular Expression matching in ssh config

Solution 1:

This should do the trick on OpenSSH 5.5 and greater.

Host *.*
  Hostname %h

Host *
  IdentityFile /path/to/keyfile.pem

The first rule matches any normal domain names and just passes the domain name through. The second rule handles single word hosts and appends to the end.

One side effect of this is that even for ssh calls to, ssh will try to use the IdentityFile for I don't think that matters however.

Solution 2:

This sounds like a problem best solved by DNS. Add this to your /etc/resolv.conf:


If a DNS lookup contains no dots1 or returns an NXDOMAIN >response then another DNS lookup will be made with that search value >appended.


If you do ssh srv1, the DNS lookup will be made for

If you do ssh srv1.dc1, the DNS lookup will be for srv1.dc1 which will return NXDOMAIN. The automatic followup DNS lookup will be for

You can add multiple search domains to that line separated by whitespace and they will be tried in the order listed until one of them returns an A record2.

1.) This value is configurable and refers to the number of dots the short name must have fewer than. The default value is 1 and it should be set higher than 1 for sites where the hosts are of the form This avoids the useless request to the root servers for the dc1 top level domain.

2.) Or an AAAA record.

Updated answer 25th Nov 2020:

Although the outdated answer above is still a fully valid one, nowadays, I would rather suggest using the ssh_config built-in mechanism CanonicalDomains

That would mean, instead of changing /etc/resolv.conf or DNS records, you can simply add the following lines to the top of your ssh_config file:

CanonicalizeHostname yes

Please refer to the official ssh_config documentation for details around these configuration statements.

Solution 3:

You can use ProxyCommand to use regex on the host name specified on the command line.

Host srv*
    User amac
    ProxyCommand nc $(sed -e "s/" <<< "%h") %p
    IdentityFile /home/amac/.ssh/id_rsa

Now ssh would connect to srv23.

Note, you don't need to specify HostName.